Monday, September 28, 2009

Time to ramble.

What a way to start the day today. Walking my dog and a tree branch about 7 feet long snaps out of a tree and smashes to the ground not 4 feet behind me where I was walking. That's about a 3 second time frame from where I was to where I ended up when it fell. Crazy. That small amount of time makes a huge difference especially in this circumstance. I stood there for about 30 seconds repeating the phrase "Holy shit" over and over as I stared at the size of branch and thinking how lucky I was not to end up underneath it. I kept seeing myself getting nailed on the head or in the back on the shoulders being knocked down by this branch. Then I thought, how serious could the injury have been? Probably enough to render me unconscious or even worse. Makes one think. Someone up there is watching me and to them I say thank you big time. Makes for an interesting Monday, that's for sure.

So I caved. I signed up for twitter and am liking it. I bashed that site so much when it came out, questioning why would I need a site that allows you to send a min-blog of your whereabouts 24/7? Now I'm doing it. Well not 24/7 but at least once or twice a day or so. It's amazing how drastically life has changed for us in the last 20 years. Just stop and think about it. You can send mail to a friend in the blink of an eye. You can know everyone's whereabouts with the internet or GPS. You can get porn on demand. You can get addresses and phone numbers or people's information if you know where to look on the net. You can download music, movies and television in a matter of minutes. There's no hiding anymore. Remember when you used to go outside and play ball hockey all afternoon or hang out at your local park with everyone and interacted in person? Remember playing marbles or board games with real live people? The human interaction is less and less these days and it seems we all are accustomed to more private lives and talking to one another via a computer or whatever gadget is out there that enables us to communicate without picking up a phone or leaving our living room. Have you noticed if you are on a chatline such as msn, you are somewhat of a different person behind a closed door and have the security of a computer to hide behind than you are in person. Most people are. If you aren't and disagree with that comment, good on ya for that. But most people design a different behavioral pattern when not talking face to face.

So now, I sit here at my desk, the ever so well behaved drone typing away to entertain myself and make the day pass, WHILE ON MY LUNCH, I must say that so the powers that be don't think I'm abusing the day with not doing my job. I sit here with many a thought flying through my head like: Is it proper if you really like someone that is engaged in a deep relationship to tell them you do? Can I make a difference while being on this blue planet or am I just another biological being just going through the hoops of life? What makes someone better than another person? Why do people not talk about sex, it's normal and everyone does it, right? Why do we live our lives according to what the overall consensus says we are supposed to? Is there a God or some sort of higher being out in the universe pulling the strings that we just slapped a name on to try and understand it?
The list goes on and maybe I'll talk more in detail about them as we go on.

Hey Jody, if you read this, my fan is available if you want it this week. France, my heart goes out to you. JB, thanks for reading and kicking my ass to send out another blog. To Sunflower, it's getting worse. Steve, thanks for dropping the pie. And to big dog out there, don't stress, it only leads to the darkside and possibly the end of the ride on this world.

Touch my bum,


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