Friday, September 18, 2009

Now with more fat!!

I trust everyone had a great week? Or do you feel like me and that this week felt like it lasted longer than a waterboarding session held by Dick Cheney? Man, this week was brutal time wise. I swear it dragged on and on. Just being at work for the day and noticing that it was only 3 hours in to my shift and it felt like I was here for 7 hours at that point, wanting to pull my hair out, throw the PC out a window and go to the bathroom, curl up in the corner of a stall and rock back and forth crying out "Why have you foresaken me Jebus!!?.........why????" All the while you take calls such as "If I have wireless internet at home, will it work for my laptop when I go to Alberta from home?" or "The bundle is $74 a month and it includes internet and a long distance plan for your home phone"...."Oh so what does that include?"...."Internet and a long distance plan"..."And how much is it?"..."$74 a month"..."And that includes long distance for my internet?"..."No, long distance on your home phone and internet in a bundle"..."And how much is it?" Seriously folks, I can't make that shit up. That's a small handfull of the stuff I hear daily.

BUT, finally Friday is upon us, time to let the hair down, turn the music up and grab a beer! Or in my case, red wine thanks to my newly found blood pressure issue. Yay for me!!

On to other topics now. I'd first like to thank those of you who have sent me facecrack messages letting me know you are reading and do enjoy my blogs for the most part. I know they aren't pulitzer prize winning stories but I do what I can.

Registration renewal. What brainiac came up with the idea that we now have to keep track of when our registration is due and we don't recieve the kind notice in the mail reminding us? Aren't we busy as it is with things going on in our lives? Don't we pay enough to the government now that they can provide us with the service of reminding us as we buzz along in this fast paced world we live in now? I love how the "higher ups" keep coming up with ways to figure out how to make their time and lives more easy all the while getting paid more each year and giving us all the stuff to do and take care of. Seriously, we pay taxes, we pay fees for all public services, why can't you be willing enough to take some iniative and do some shit yourself since we pay you a ton of what we earn already? What's next? I have to pay a fee to use a public washroom or have to remember when my income tax is due? "Sorry folks, due to costs and ongoing increases of our work ethics in which we provide to you, the taxpayer, we will now stop sending you information on when your income tax is due as well you will have to remind us, the government on when to send you your T4's and so on"

Getting things for free. Where in ones right mind is it okay to complain about getting something for free?? This topic popped in my head when someone I know actually whined about getting food for free and it wasn't from one of the self-approved places they like. WTF?? It's free. Stop acting like someone just told you to give your spleen or kidneys away. If you don't like it, fuck off and buy your own food. I don't know how much more I can say about that one. Bottom line be it food or whatever the case, you're given something for free, take it. If you don't like it, give it away or don't have it, whatever. Fools.

The saying "I'm dying". Okay, when one is really tired, sick or has worked out really hard, don't use the term "I'm dying". How do you know?? Really. Have you died before and come back from the dead? "Hey Jerry, I hear you have the flu, how are you feeling?" "Oh cripes, I am dying here, it's that bad" "Oh yeah?.......well you would know, I remember when you died in 2005 and came back to the living not long after, so you would know". And what happens the day you are actually dying and say it? Remember, don't cry wolf.

Well I've ranted enough today so I hope you liked the post. Cheers to Kristy for the registration topic and to everyone else!

Your friend with benefits..........


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