Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Grumpy old man

I'm in a pissy mood and I'm going to share my thoughts tonight.
I feel like pouring everything out about shit going on and don't care who I piss off in saying it. One thing on my mind is why in the fuck do I have to be overly sensitive about scents in a work place? Can you remember a day when we were kids and no one at school had severe allergies to the point that it threatened their life??? I mean shit, peanut butter now can kill someone if they just get a whiff of it? What the fuck? Is there a breakdown in evolution with our DNA or something or is it just the person themselves that was just born with parents who were first cousins or something? Did you know at work, I can't even use a fucking air can to clean out my keyboard? People actually complained that it affects their health and shit. Jesus. We're becoming a race of whimps from being coddled too much by mommy. Most of these people are the ones that kept to themselves in school probably because they were told if they hung out with the "bad kids" that it would make Jesus cry. I mean, give me a break. There isn't even any common ground that can be reached. We all have to tip toe around these people and not breathe so they won't whine about the smell of our breath or something. I say get these people a special section in a bubble so the rest of us can go on living normal lives. Oh and my keyboard at work looks like something you'd find in an alley way under a pile of garbage, it's so filthy. I was told I could take it outside and use my can of air duster out there but I'm sure some fuck would cry to a supervisor about the smell lingering around outside. Shit.
And what about people who have to one up you every time when you are telling a story? "Yeah, so we went hiking at Fundy this weekend and..." "I remember climbing Mt. Fuji once, that was awesome". I just hate that they interrupt your story to out do you. It's like a big "fuck you" and an effort to belittle you infront of everyone. Why? Are they that fucking insecure that they have to shut you up, interrupt and try to prove how much better they are? It's the equivalent to that middle aged guy who needs a big sports car to compensate for having a small dick. I fucking hate it. At the most, wait your turn and tell your "better" story, ya fucking lush.
Here's another topic. Me telling people that I've changed some things in my life to better myself and every time they bring up the topic and I try to explain the reasons why I've changed some things, they turn on me to tell me I'm annoying them with talking about it. Hello? You dumb fuck, you brought it up so I'll respond with my reasonings whether you fucking like it or not. If you don't like it, shut your fucking trap in the first place. Example: Once I gave up drinking for 6 months to feel better and lose some weight and people asked me to have a beer here and there and I'd simply say I gave it up and they fucking start tearing into me like I'm some alien with 4 eyes. Or recently with my bp issue, I cut back on sodium big time and I'm asked why I don't eat the foods I used to and I tell them due my bp and the sodium content and they actually fucking tell me I'm annoying them with the sodium topic. Don't fucking ask if you don't want to hear me tell you why. You know why from asking me 10 times before so shut it.
Here's some other things that piss me off.
Jay Leno. You aren't funny.
The Heene family - you're all fucked up.
People that snoop around my desk and go through my shit. Fuck off. I didn't invite you to take my shit or go through it.
People that go around telling everyone they are Christian and want you to know it but are the ones that are quick to judge, talk about you behind your back and not treat you like people should be treated. Suck it.
Techno music. Die.
Reality TV. Go to Hell.
Gossipers. You got me in to your circle and I'm out now. Go whine or talk about someone elsewhere.

Hey. I feel better now. Night night.


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