Okay, I'm going to follow up my blog from the last one about yes, Mr. Tiger Woods. I've personally put him in for a nomination for 2009's dumbass of the year award. You may ask why D? Why Tiger? He's such a reputable man and an amazing "athlete" in the world of golf. If you are asking that then you've been living in the woods, way out where bears do shit and you can still find fairies, trolls and Richard Simmons.
Tiger Woods. Got famous playing golf, worked hard all his life for it, gets rich and marries a hottie super model, all the while he's sticking it to any hot lady that falls in his lap. Now I've heard stories about him sleeping with quite a few girls and they keep coming out of the woodwork the second the news came out. These girls are nothing more than media whores looking for their 15 minutes of fame and some cash to do interviews and I'm sure a book isn't far behind. I can just see the title now "Tiger and how he putted his way into my vagina" or "Tiger: He sunk it in one swing". Seriously, if I was one of these girls, I'd stay away from the limelight and put it behind me. Do you really want your life to be changed now being known as one of the skanky ho's that fucked a golfer? Really? Only reason they got funky with him is because he's rich. Plan and simple. Were they hoping and wishing on their magic pillow at night that if they spread their legs for him that he'd whisk them off their feet and take them to Tigerland where they'd be surrounded in jewels, cars and extravagant luxuries?? Maybe. But personally, I think it's because they were skanks and just wanted the chance to do a "celebrity".
Now, back to Mr. Woods. The dude fucked women on tour and in his own home town, hoping to never get caught all the while this hot blonde bikini model is married to him?? Man, when you live that life and are in that scenario, bitch is gonna find out. It's only a matter of time. Problem for him is, everyone done gone find out because she beat his ass with a club and chased him out the driveway, runs over a fire hydrant and crashes into a tree. It went public and now he's paying the price. Then after all the shit hits the fan, his main sponsors decide to stick with him. "Hey kids, be like Kobe or Tiger. Get stinking rich and famous, fuck as many women as you can married or not and we say it's okay." "Don't forget to drop out of school too!"
Back to the main reason of this blog. After all that was said and done, Tiger offers Elin $5 million up front to stay with him and if she did stay for another 5 years, she'd get a shit load more. Guess what? She walked. In this day and age where we live in a society that's now standing on a foundation of greed, sex and lies, she fucking walked. You don't see that these days at all and I for one applaud her for having the right train of thought and leaving that douche in the dust. Of course, this could all be an act and she ends up back with him and I'd have to eat my words, apologize for this blog and move on. But as of today after reading on the net that she left him, I'm posting this to say bravo for walking and not taking $5 million plus more in 5 years. Truly amazing.
Will it stop Tiger? Fuck no. He's a rich mother with everything he needs and way more. He's so into the scene of being famous, rich and in the media that he probably can't remember what it was like growing up, not having the riches he does now. He's already got a list of bitches ready to bend over for him, what's a few more now that Elin's gone?
I wonder, does he get the red or gold jacket for doing more than 18 holes?
Remember to wash your balls before you stroke.
I would have to say this is the best one yet! Good For Elin for leaving..