Monday, November 30, 2009

A hole in one..........or two.

So. The golf android with perfect teeth and a billion dollar smile has a penis. Surprise. Mr. Tiger Woods had a mysterious car accident coming out of his driveway and it apparently was a good one. The man hit a fire hydrant I hear and then was stopped by a tree and suffered some pretty good injuries. So I hear. Now what I'm hearing is some things were weird to what happened with the car accident. He had scratches on his face that were not caused by any glass or debris and his back window of the car was smashed out. The story now is believed that the dude was having an affair and his wife found out, hence the fast drive out the driveway and they say she took a golf club to his rear window in the process of his escape. Another story is that she smashed the back window out with a golf club to get to him after the accident happened. To me, I believe the first story about Mr. Woods having an affair.
I just love how he is asking the public to respect their privacy and let them handle the matter behind closed doors. You may be a golfer but hey buddy, you are of high celebrity status. That's the price you pay when you get famous and rich. So if you go ahead and spend time on someone else's fairway and sink your ball in another hole other than the neatly trimmed green you are used to, you have to pay the price for being famous and for venturing on to a new course that you know you shouldn't be on. I'm just impressed that the dorky looking, clean cut golfer that looks and acts like a robot has shown that he too has faults just like us humans and got caught for it. I wonder how it all went down with his mistress, "Oh baby, I've never done this before" "It's okay Tiger, take your time" "This has never happened to me though, I'm sorry I went so fast.........mulligan?" "Sure Tiger, sure"
I also love the fact that no matter how cheesy it sounds, she gets to call him Tiger the whole time he's swinging his wood with her. "Oh Tiger! Right there Tiger. I love it Tiger, oh Tiger!"
So, Mr. Woods, suck it up, admit it publicly and carry on with your life. There's no need to hide it, we all know what happened. Next time, call your wife to tell her and make sure you are far away when doing it. Like India.



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