Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thank you for calling...........

Hello!! Seasons Greetings and all that happy crap. Today I thought I'd do something simple and I'd share some funny stuff with you. I work in a call center, surprise, and sometimes I get really weird, funny or unique calls from the customer or sometimes I make a mistake or two. Sometimes I log the topic of the calls in a file I originally called "Stupid Tuesdays" as the first time I entered a log was yes, on a Tuesday. They made me laugh and hopefully, you'll get a chuckle out of them too. Enjoy.

"Hi, my pre authorized payment isn't taking out my charges, I'm 3 months behind" "Okay, has your credit card exp date changed recently?" "Oh I don't know" "You don't know if your credit card has been updated in the last couple of months?" "Oh it might have been, I don't know"

"I called in to have my Hospital service removed when I left the hospital on Aug. 21 and I just got the bill showing a charge up until Sept. 17th" "Okay, I'm showing a note that you called in on the 17th to remove the HPS and nothing noted on the 21st of August, did you call in mid September to remove the Hospital service and not on Aug. 21?" "Oh I might have, I'm not sure" "So you can't recall when you actually called in to remove your Hospital service?" "I thought it was Aug. 21, maybe it was in September, my son called in I think, but I'm not sure" "It shows you called in Dianne to remove HPS on Sept 17th." "Oh, maybe I did, I thought my son did, but it might have been me"

“Okay sir, thank you for holding, I now have your phone line setup and have the number assigned, do you have a pen and peepee handy?.....sorry, a pen and paper, do you have a pen and paper handy?” “Yes and for the record, I have all of said items handy”

“Hi, I’d like to move my phone services.” “Okay, and what is your number?” “555-5555” “Great and your name?” “Yes” “No, I need your name please” “Yes it is” “No I need your full name please” “Oh. It’s Linda”

“Thank you for calling, how may I help you?” “Yeah, how do you dial zero on a cell phone?”

Enjoy the ride..........


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