Earth. An acceptable frontier. These are the voyages of my life, my continuing mission to seek out new experiences and to enjoy life and to boldly go where no dork has gone before.........(cue 60's hippy music)
Star Trek. What's wrong with liking it? Why do people mock those that do? I know why. Because those people are stuck back in high school and maintain the sense that it's nerdy. Or it's because they are jealous because they tried watching it but aren't smart enough to understand the phrases or terms used. Live and let live but if you get backed into a corner, fight back I say. Well "normal" people, I'm a dork and I love it. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't know specific details like the layout of the enterprise or where their bathrooms are nor do I live in my parents basement and play dungeons and dragons. I merely enjoy the entertainment of said series.
BUT. I am a Star Wars fan hands down. I choose it over Trek and always will. It was the first sci-fi I was introduced to as a child and loved it. The original three were classic and always will be. The "prequels" were good but nothing will ever compare to the original. I always will hold a dear place in the cockles of my heart for Leia in her slave dress and the whole series as it had a profound impact on my growing up in my life.
Feel free to mock and scoff at me but everyone has their form of entertainment and things they enjoy. Are you mocked for what you like on a regular basis? No, I highly doubt it. So leave those be who enjoy something different than you. We'll kick your ass. Yeah, I said it. What do you want to do? Fight about it? Bring it on. I'll unleash the force on your ass and wreak havoc on your weak ass mind.
May the force be with you as you live long and prosper.
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