How is everyone out there? It's that time of year again kids. Time for the turkey, gravy and all the fixin's that go with it. We get to sit back, relax and reflect on what we are thankful for and I encourage you all to either respond with what you are thankful for either on here or facecrack. It would please me to no end to hear from you all. So, in celebration of this coming weekend and holiday we get to enjoy before the Americans, na na na na na na na na, I am going to list off what I am thankful for. Ready? (In no particular order)
I am thankful for:
Life, being Canadian, TV, movies, friends(wherever they are.LOL), family, Benny Hill shows, cake, porn, the sun, Ava, my house, pizza, the invention of velcro, Tera Patrick, foo fighters, the police(the band), women, biking, sight, sex, midgets, freedom, George Lucas, muffins, my brain, my sense of humor, raisins, conspiracies, Carla Gugino, TMZ, space, bread, women that wear tall black boots, comedians, Jessica Biel finally deciding to do a nude scene(Powder blue), pinball machines, all video game consoles ever made, my job, comedy roasts, John Lovitz, flat panel TV's, Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi in her slave dress(every boys dream back then), Girls gone wild videos, Kelly Brook, my chair, the thought of time travel being possible, SUV's, milk, hookers, football, one night stands, the autobahn, Japan, maxim magazine, playboy, my toys, my patio, my hammock, scotiabank for not screwing up my loan payments since I started to move over to RBC, my fathers infamous sayings, books, you, a big afro, the invention of the razor, cell phones, the internet(PORN!!), comfy couches, money, Olivia Wilde, Jolene Blalock, mini wheats, foods low in sodium, trampolines, girls on trampolines, cars, Telly Savalas, old movies, def leppard, food, good people out in the world, planes, carnivals, badly made movies ("satan's schoolgirls", check it out), Brook Burke, Laura Frison, Vida Guerra, clowns, strip bars, popcorn, the fact we don't hear about George W. Bush anymore, Green products, hemp, soccer, boobs, health care, indian food, board games, taking trips, Danny Devito, England, bikini car washes, the rate technology is going(scares me sometimes, but all around okay), that painter dude that used to be on PBS, the invention of thongs, Heavy metal music, curtains, video cameras, Chuck Norris, water, beer, trees(without 'em, we'd probably be dead), bj's.........subs, yeah, video cameras, star trek film marathon on a crappy day, humane societies, Pat Sajak, Elvis, the radio, the original Daisy Duke, Skid Row(the band), junior high dances and being able to dance close and doing the butt grab, cheese, karaoke, marbles and prostate exams.
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